“Hunger is not a problem. It is an obscenity. How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” Anne Frank
Hi. It’s Beth. Thanks for visiting, let’s chat.
Right now, our world is upside down, topsy turvy, charged, tumultuous and down right uncertain. Feel like you’ve lost control? Me too. Want to do something to feel like you’re making a positive difference in someone's life? Me too.
I reached out to my buddy Justin Bates with the River Valley Regional Food Bank to see how we can help. Every year, Belle Starr Antiques hosts a food drive for them during the month of September for Hunger Action Month. This year is no different. Except for the fact that we plan on keeping this going for longer than 30 days. Belle Starr Antiques will now be a drop off site for donations during the remainder of this pandemic.

While there is always a global war against hunger, it's only heightened during the Covid pandemic. In the River Valley alone, 65,000 residents suffer from food insecurity. The demand has already increased by 50 percent, leaving the RVRFB on pace to distribute more than 15 million pounds of food to the public this year.

This vintage Piggly Wiggly cart now has a permanent home in our lobby, right as you enter, easy to bring a couple cans with you to drop off as you come to shop. I got us started off right adding extra to my latest online grocery order. Here’s a closer look at list of their 40 In-Need Items, take note and see what you’ve already got in your pantry.

Don’t feel like bringing cans in with you? Donate your spare change! We’ll have a jar for monetary donations as well. For every dollar the RVRFB receives, it feeds six. One dollar. Feeds. Six. People. Let that sink in.
There’s lots of other ways to get involved, take action, and help! They need it more than ever. Head over to their website to see how to set up monthly donations, read up on this amazing organization that our community is blessed to have thanks to the hard work, ingenuity, and dedication of their staff and volunteers.
It’s our turn to reward them. Be the blessing, be the gift. In turn, give yourself the gift of comfort that, despite our current climate when everything feels the worst, you helped do a little thing to make a big problem better.
So, let's fill this cart! Again and again!!!!!
Volunteer. Engage. Advocate. Donate.