Spring Fling: An Outdoor Vintage Show

(Any photos submitted may be featured on our accounts including our Facebook, Instagram, Newspaper, Printed Materials etc. for promotional purposes. By submitting the photos you acknowledge that we may use them at our discretion.)
- No sharing of spaces or trading of spaces.
- No booths selling only services, must have physical products.
- Every vendor is required to bring their own tables, chairs, cash box / credit card machine, canopy*, etc. It is suggested you bring a canopy to cover your space. Canopies must fit in within the perimeters of your 10 x 12 allotted space, no overlap into neighboring booths. Plan to bring appropriate materials to anchor your canopy. We suggest sandbags as stakes are difficult in our gravel lot.
- WiFi will not be available. Plan ahead when deciding what credit card machine to use or payment methods to take.
- Vendor setup begins Friday afternoon April 24th. More details about vendor check-in will be provided upon the acceptance of each vendor.
- There will be 24 hour security provided throughout the event.
- Booth rental fee is due at the time of application acceptance. Checks are to be made out to “Belle Starr Antiques.” Application acceptance will in part be based on space availability.
- Unforeseen events, such as inclement weather, may lead to cancellation. Refunds and cancellations are at the sole discretion of Belle Starr Antiques.
- ST- 370 Vendor Tax forms - Special event vendors are required to file daily reports with the promoter or organizer and remit the daily sales tax along with their completed forms. Envelopes are provided for each vendor to enclose the form and payment for the day.
Contact us at: www.bellestarrantiques.com
(479) 226-3131