Oh, hello there, blog. Hello, friends! What’s up new decade!!! I am always optimistic for the start of a new year and what that represents, but this year is especially special. Guys, 2020 marks our tenth anniversary in business. What? I know. I can’t believe it either. How is it possible that it’s been TEN years since a 20-something kid took a leap of faith to chase a dream and …
Well, here we are.
The purpose of this blog isn’t to take a trip down Belle’s memory lane, there will be plenty of time for reflection throughout the year. But! Ten years of building community, relationships, earning your repeat business, and establishing the Belle Starr vintage brand deserves to be celebrated in a big way. We couldn't have not only survived, but thrived all these years without our vendors providing the absolute best in our vintage community.

So, head’s up to the vintage dealers and junkers out there, all you local makers and artisans!! Applications are up on the website for our upcoming Spring Fling : An Outdoor Vintage Show. The Spring Fling is the perfect way to simultaneously celebrate our ten year businessversary and the coming vintage spring season. This is sure to be our biggest show yet.The date is set for Saturday, April 25th, 2020, and we are already confirming vendor spots; both repeat and first timers! Only fifty vendor booths are available outside, so do not delay in submitting your application. What do we want to see? Bring us your vintage best! Your rusty crusty salvage finds, your outdoor chippy goodness! Your one of a kind artisan wares, your...you get the idea. Sound like a good deal? It is!
I even dream of having an entire booth just of plants. Someone out there, make that happen. By April we’ll all be thinking Spring, ready to get our hands in the dirt.
Our little vintage show is one of a kind. Not only do shoppers and enthusiasts get to enjoy our outdoor vendor village, but get double the pleasure of also shopping our 80+ vintage vendors in store. All while enjoying free admission, live music, food trucks, even have a cold one if you feel so inclined. We’re all about providing you a relaxed, family-friendly experience, and the best curated selection of vintage and artisan goods around.
Our calendar year is already filling up with other collaborations and fun stuff that we can’t wait to announce on down the road. Having said that, The Spring Fling: An Outdoor Vintage Show may very well be the only outdoor event for the year. The verdict is still out on whether or not we’ll be able to tackle hosting a Fall Fling in September of 2020. All the more reason to go! Make haste and apply today. Don’t miss out on the vintage garden party of the decade!

Want to apply as a vendor? Sure you do!! Click Here!